Pespectives November 10th

Join our Perspectives Spiritual Discussion Group on Friday, November 10th, where we will be having an open discussion.

Bring your own questions or message us in advance.

This free event is open to all interested in exploring their spirituality and connecting with like-minded individuals. You are welcome to join us if you have a deep interest in spirituality or are just curious about the topic. Our group is a safe and respectful space where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued. We encourage open dialogue and active participation, so come equipped with your thoughts, questions, and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level while exploring the spiritual world of our pets. Join us this Friday for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, reflection, and growth.

For security purposes please ensure when you join the service your video is turned on. Should you not do this we will request you to turn on your video if you decline we will remove you from the meeting.

To join Perspectives you will need to download Zoom if you have not already done so. Click here to go to the zoom website to download it.
Please contact us if you have any issues or need any help setting it up and we will be pleased to help.

If you are experiencing technical issues please contact us before the service or Facebook message on the day 

All donations for our services, events and private readings will be collated and passed on to our current worthy cause at the end of every forth month.


View all donations made.

Pespectives 13th October

Join our Perspectives Spiritual Discussion Group on Friday, October 13th, where we will be talking about The Spirit, Soul and Body.

The spirit, soul, and body are interconnected aspects of human existence.
The spirit refers to the immaterial and eternal part of a person that connects with the divine. It encompasses one’s consciousness, emotions, and willpower.
The soul represents the individual’s unique identity and encompasses their thoughts, desires, and personality traits. It is the seat of one’s emotions, intellect, and memories.
Lastly, the body refers to the physical vessel that houses the spirit and soul. It includes all physical aspects such as organs, limbs, and senses.
Together, these three components create a holistic understanding of human existence – where the spirit connects with the divine, the soul expresses individuality, and the body interacts with the material world.

This free event is open to all interested in exploring their spirituality and connecting with like-minded individuals. You are welcome to join us if you have a deep interest in spirituality or are just curious about the topic. Our group is a safe and respectful space where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued. We encourage open dialogue and active participation, so come equipped with your thoughts, questions, and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level while exploring the spiritual world of our pets. Join us this Friday for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, reflection, and growth.

For security purposes please ensure when you join the service your video is turned on. Should you not do this we will request you to turn on your video if you decline we will remove you from the meeting.

To join Perspectives you will need to download Zoom if you have not already done so. Click here to go to the zoom website to download it.
Please contact us if you have any issues or need any help setting it up and we will be pleased to help.

If you are experiencing technical issues please contact us before the service or Facebook message on the day 

All donations for our services, events and private readings will be collated and passed on to our current worthy cause at the end of every forth month.


View all donations made.

Pespectives 15th September

Join our Perspectives Spiritual Discussion Group on Friday, September 15th, where we will discuss The Various Aspects of Truth.

Throughout human history, the concept of truth has been a subject of great philosophical, religious, and scientific debate. The search for truth has ignited deep contemplation and sparked intellectual curiosity from ancient Greek philosophers to modern-day thinkers. But what is truth? How can we define something so elusive and diverse?

At its core, truth can be understood as a state of affairs corresponding to reality. It is an accurate reflection of facts, and it exists independent of our perceptions or beliefs. However, truth is not always absolute, and our understanding of it can differ depending on various factors.

This free event is open to all interested in exploring their spirituality and connecting with like-minded individuals. You are welcome to join us if you have a deep interest in spirituality or are just curious about the topic. Our group is a safe and respectful space where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued. We encourage open dialogue and active participation, so come equipped with your thoughts, questions, and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level while exploring the spiritual world of our pets. Join us this Friday for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, reflection, and growth.
For security purposes please ensure when you join the service your video is turned on. Should you not do this we will request you to turn on your video if you decline we will remove you from the meeting.
To join Perspectives you will need to download Zoom if you have not already done so. Click here to go to the zoom website to download it.
Please contact us if you have any issues or need any help setting it up and we will be pleased to help.

If you are experiencing technical issues please contact us before the service or Facebook message on the day 

All donations for our services, events and private readings will be collated and passed on to our current worthy cause at the end of every forth month.


View all donations made.

Pespectives 18th August

Join our Perspectives Spiritual Discussion Group on Friday, August 18th.

Astral travel, also known as astral projection or out-of-body experience, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. It is a phenomenon that raises intriguing questions about the nature of consciousness, the limits of the physical body, and the possibilities of exploring different dimensions beyond our tangible reality. In this discussion, we delve into the fascinating world of astral travel, exploring its history, various techniques, personal experiences, and potential implications. Together, let us embark on this thought-provoking journey into the unknown as we unravel the enigma of astral travel.
This free event is open to all interested in exploring their spirituality and connecting with like-minded individuals. You are welcome to join us if you have a deep interest in spirituality or are just curious about the topic. Our group is a safe and respectful space where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued. We encourage open dialogue and active participation, so come equipped with your thoughts, questions, and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level while exploring the spiritual world of our pets. Join us this Friday for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, reflection, and growth.
For security purposes please ensure when you join the service your video is turned on. Should you not do this we will request you to turn on your video if you decline we will remove you from the meeting.
To join Perspectives you will need to download Zoom if you have not already done so. Click here to go to the zoom website to download it.
Please contact us if you have any issues or need any help setting it up and we will be pleased to help.

If you are experiencing technical issues please contact us before the service or Facebook message on the day 

All donations for our services, events and private readings will be collated and passed on to our current worthy cause at the end of every forth month.


View all donations made.

Perspectives July 21st

Join our Perspectives Spiritual Discussion Group on Friday, July 21st.

Near-death experiences (NDEs) have been fascinating and debated for decades. These are experiences reported by individuals who have undergone a close brush with death, such as during surgery or an accident. During the NDE, people often feel detached from their physical body, seeing a bright light or tunnel, meeting deceased loved ones or religious figures, and feeling profound peace and love. While some attribute NDEs to mystical or spiritual experiences, others argue that they are simply hallucinations caused by the brain’s response to trauma. In this discussion, we will explore the different perspectives on NDEs and consider their implications for our understanding of consciousness and the afterlife.
This free event is open to all interested in exploring their spirituality and connecting with like-minded individuals. You are welcome to join us if you have a deep interest in spirituality or are just curious about the topic. Our group is a safe and respectful space where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued. We encourage open dialogue and active participation, so come equipped with your thoughts, questions, and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level while exploring the spiritual world of our pets. Join us this Friday for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, reflection, and growth.
For security purposes please ensure when you join the service your video is turned on. Should you not do this we will request you to turn on your video if you decline we will remove you from the meeting.
To join Perspectives you will need to download Zoom if you have not already done so. Click here to go to the zoom website to download it.
Please contact us if you have any issues or need any help setting it up and we will be pleased to help.

If you are experiencing technical issues please contact us before the service or Facebook message on the day 

All donations for our services, events and private readings will be collated and passed on to our current worthy cause at the end of every forth month.


View all donations made.

Perspectives June 23rd

Join our Perspectives Spiritual Discussion Group on Friday, June 23rd. 
The debate surrounding whether life is predetermined or if we have free will is a complex and thought-provoking topic. Those who believe that every experience we encounter happens for a reason suggest that it is up to us to make the most of our experiences and choose our own path in life. On the other hand, those who argue that our path is already determined suggest that our lives are predetermined and that we have no control over our destiny. This debate has been ongoing for centuries and continues to be a topic of discussion for many individuals. What do you think? Do you believe that our lives are predetermined, or do you believe that we have free will to make our own choices?
This free event is open to all interested in exploring their spirituality and connecting with like-minded individuals. You are welcome to join us if you have a deep interest in spirituality or are just curious about the topic. Our group is a safe and respectful space where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued. We encourage open dialogue and active participation, so come equipped with your thoughts, questions, and insights.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level while exploring the spiritual world of our pets. Join us this Friday for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, reflection, and growth.

For security purposes please ensure when you join the service your video is turned on. Should you not do this we will request you to turn on your video if you decline we will remove you from the meeting.

To join Perspectives you will need to download Zoom if you have not already done so. Click here to go to the zoom website to download it.

Please contact us if you have any issues or need any help setting it up and we will be pleased to help.

If you are experiencing technical issues please contact us before the service or Facebook message on the day 

All donations for our services, events and private readings will be collated and passed on to our current worthy cause at the end of every forth month.


View all donations made.

Meeting ID: 816 5368 7397
Passcode: 890340

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